Term: Cerebral cortex, layers1-6a [cortical plate]

Definition: As discussed below (see note 44), certain regions including the claustrum lie deep to the traditional cortex, although they appear to be derived from cortical rather than basal neuroepithelium. For convenience, traditional cortex refers to layers 1-6a, although layer 1 (which contains scattered neurons) is derived embryologically from the preplate, which is quickly divided into layer 1 and the subplate by the cortical plate (see Alvarez-Bolado and Swanson 1996).

Nomenclature: Swanson-1998

Parents Relation type
Cerebral cortex is part
Related concepts Relation type
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Auditory areas has part
Gustatory areas has part
Somatosensory areas has part
Olfactory areas has part
Visceral area has part
Visual areas has part
Agranular insular area has part
Anterior cingulate area has part
Ectorhinal area has part
Infralimbic area has part
Orbital area has part
Perirhinal area has part
Posterior parietal association areas has part
Prelimbic area has part
Retrosplenial area has part
Ventral temporal association areas has part
Hippocampal formation has part