Term: Layer 6b(layer 7, subplate, deep cortex, claustral complex)
Definition: The structures listed here develop dorsal to the basal nuclei, and apparently deep to the cortical plate (although this remains controversial). Their projection neurons appear to use excitatory aminoacids rahter than GABA (which is used by most basal nuclear projection neurons). Many suggesyions in the older and more recent literature indicate that the deep amygdalar nuclei listed here are relatesd to the claustrum, and the endopiriform nucleus was often included in the older literature. Fiber tracts perhaps analogous to the extreme capsule lie superficial to layer 6b (Vanvelde et al. 1996) and the endopiriform nucleus. The embryological origin of isocortical layer 6b is unclear (subplate, or deep cortical plate, see next note).
Nomenclature: Swanson-1998
Parents | Relation type |
Cerebral cortex | is part |
Related concepts | Relation type |
Layer 6b, isocortex | has part |
Claustrum | has part |
Endopiriform nucleus | has part |
Lateral nucleus of the amygdala | has part |
Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala | has part |
Basomedial nucleus of the amygdala | has part |
Posterior nucleus of the amygdala | has part |