Term: Vestibular nuclei

Definition: Rubbertone et al. 1995. Although the vestibular nuclei are often included in the sensory system, the vast majority of their projections are to the motor system. In fact, because of its predominant input from cerebellar Purkinje cells, the lateral nucleus is probably best regarded as a “displaced” cerebellar nucleus. Nevertheless, there are projections from the superior, medial, and spinal vestibular nuclei to the thalamus (Shiroyama et al. 1999).

Nomenclature: Swanson-2004

Parents Relation type
Midbrain-Hindbrain, Sensory, Vestibular is part
Related concepts Relation type
Medial vestibular nucleus has part
Lateral vestibular nucleus has part
Superior vestibular nucleus has part
Spinal vestibular nucleus has part