Bed Nucleus Of The Stria Terminalis Subarea 1

abbreviation: BST1





Description of part

BST1 and BST2 occupy the rostrodorsal portion of the BST and are located dorsal and rostral to the anterior commissure. They appear to constitute two vertically oriented cellular plates parallel to one another; the caudal plate isidentified here as BSTl (T4-T6, Sl-S3), the rostral as BST2 (see below). Both plates extend from rostromedial to caudolateral. This means that BST1 has a more medial and BST2 a more lateral position within the bed nucleus. BST1 adjoins the LSNV on its medial side. The cell-poor zona limitans which according to Swanson and Cowan ('79) separates the BST from the LSNV, is considered here as a part of BST1. Laterally BS1 adheres to the GP and the internal capsule (T5- T6). BST1 has a more heterogeneous cellular composition than BST2; it consists of small and small to medium-sized neurons, intermingled with occasional larger cell bodies. The BST1 and the caudally adjoining portion of the BST4 contain a moderate amount of cholecystokininimmunoreactive cell bodies. In male rats significantly more cholecystokinin-positive neurons can be observed in these two subareas of the BST than in female rats (Micevych et al., '88).

Part type

gray matter




The approach used by the collator Mihail Bota is not endorsed by the author of the nomenclature.


Author: Geeraedts L.M.G., Nieuwenhuys R. & Veening J.G.
Title: Medial forebrain bundle of the rat: III Cytoarchitecture of the rostral (telencephalic) part of the medial forebrain bundle bed nucleus
Title of Book: J Comp Neurol
Volume: 294
Year: 1990
Number: 5
Pages: 507-536