Bed Nucleus Of The Accessory Olfactory Tract

abbreviation: BAOT





Description of part

The bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract (fig. 6) is a loosely-packed group of small cells that lies within the plexiform layer over the anterior part of the amygdala, extending from near the anterolateral edge of the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, to the ventromedial aspect of the medial nucleus. At the latter position it can be readily distinguished from another group of larger, more darkly-staining cells which is embedded within the otherwise homogeneous rostral pole of the medial nucleus. The bed nucleus was recognized and named by Broadwell (1975) and by Scalia and Winans (1975) because of its close association with fibers from the accessory olfactory bulb which pass in a restricted portion of the lateral olfactory tract to the medial and posterior cortical nuclei.

Part type

gray matter


Krettek & Price


The approach used by the collator Mihail Bota is not endorsed by the author of the nomenclature.


Author: Krettek J.E., PRice J.L.
Title: A description of the amygdaloid complex in the rat and cat with observations on intra-amugdaloid axonal connections
Title of Book: J Comp Neurol
Volume: 178
Year: 1978
Number: 2
Pages: 255-280