Parastrial Nucleus Of Bed Nucleus Of Stria Terminalis

Hierarchy level in atlas is 4: 3 superstructures include it.

abbreviation: BSTPS





Description of part

The parastrial (PS) nucleus is a lens-shaped nucleus located beneath the anterior commissure between the BST and the cell-poor strial part of the preoptic area (Figs. 1B-D, 2A; Raisman and Field, 1973; Simerly et al., 1984). Neurons in PS are small, darkly staining, ovoid to fusiform, tightly packed, and are oriented diagonally from the anterior commissure to VL (Fig. 4G). The PS has been considered separate from the BST due to its lack of amygdalar input (Raisman and Field, 1973; Simerly et al., 1984). However, PS neurons are cytoarchitecturally similar to those in VL (compare Fig. 4G and 4H). Both VL and PS contain similar neuropeptideimmunoreactive cells and fibers (Standaert et al., 1986; Rao et al., 1987; unpublished observations). In addition, the ventral BST cell groups (i.e., VL, PS, and the preoptic BST) are extensively connected with the hypothalamus (Simerly and Swanson, 1988; unpublished observations). These findings suggest that PS is related to the other ventral BST subnuclei and have led us to include the PS in this description.

Part type

gray matter




The approach used by the collator Mihail Bota is not endorsed by the author of the nomenclature.


Author: Moga M.M., Saper C.B., Gray T.S.
Title: Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis: cytoarchitecture, immunohistochemistry, and projections to the parabrachial nucleus in the rat
Title of Book: J Comp Neurol
Volume: 283
Year: 1989
Number: 3
Pages: 283-332