Preoptic Subnucleus Of Bed Nucleus Of Stria Terminalis

Hierarchy level in atlas is 4: 3 superstructures include it.

abbreviation: BSTPO





Description of part

The preoptic (PO) BST subnucleus consists of large, multipolar, darkly staining neurons with prominent nucleoli (Fig. 3E,F). Rostrally, PO is located ventral to the PM subnucleus and the strial extension of the anterior commissure (Fig. 2A). More caudally, PO neurons form a deep crescent which is ventral to PI and dorsal to the lateral preoptic area and medial forebrain bundle. Like the neurons in PI, many neurons in the lateral portion of PO are oriented perpendicular to the strial fibers (arrows, Fig. 3F; McDonald, 1983). Medially, PO is continuous with the posterodorsal nucleus.

Part type

gray matter




The approach used by the collator Mihail Bota is not endorsed by the author of the nomenclature.


Author: Moga M.M., Saper C.B., Gray T.S.
Title: Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis: cytoarchitecture, immunohistochemistry, and projections to the parabrachial nucleus in the rat
Title of Book: J Comp Neurol
Volume: 283
Year: 1989
Number: 3
Pages: 283-332