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Epencephalon ( Sharpey et al., 1867 ) : Original Latin form of hindbrain (Baer, 1837); p. 577.
Hindbrain ( HB ; Baer, 1837 ) : Rostral (Schulze, 1893) half of the primary hindbrain vesicle (Baer, 1837) of the vertebrate neural tube (Baer, 1837) as it develops into the adult cerebellum (Aristotle), which lies dorsally (Barclay, 1803), combined with the pons (Haller, 1747), which lies ventrally (Schulze, 1893); p. 107, in the original German, "hinterhirn". The term for this topographic division has been used in this sense more recently, for example by His (1895, p. 162), Obersteiner & Hill (1900, p. 46). The term is derived from the fact that since the time of Aristotle and Galen the cerebellum, often combined with the pons, was routinely considered the posterior brain, hindbrain, or small brain, whereas in contrast the cerebrum was often considered the anterior brain, forebrain, or large brain; see Swanson (2000). Synonyms include epencephalon (Sharpey et al., 1867), secondary hindbrain (Sharpey et al., 1867), metencephalon (Huxley, 1871).
Secondary hindbrain ( Sharpey et al., 1867 ) : Synonym for hindbrain (Baer, 1837); p. 577. Also used by for example Strong & Elwyn (1943, p. 13).