Taenia Tecta Dorsal Part Layer 4

Hierarchy level in atlas is 8: 7 superstructures include it.

abbreviation: TTd4





Description of part

There is little agreement in the literature about the parcellation and nomneclature associated with the taenia tecta and induseum griseum. From examining sections in the three standard planes, it seems clear to us that the induseum griseum continues unninterrupted around the genu of the corpus callosum to the septohippocampal nucleus (Atlas levels 11-13, also see Wyss and Sripanidkulchai 1983), the part of the induseumk griseum rostral and ventral to the genu was called the dorsal part of the taenia tecta by Haberly and Price (1978b). The ventral taenia tecta of Haberly and Price (1978b) has a very different structure. They divided it into superior and inferior parts, which we refer to here as the dorsal and ventral parts of the taenia tecta proper, respectively. The taenia tecta reminds one of differentiated parts of the adjacent anterior olfactory nucleus (see davis et al. 1978). We recognize three layers in the TTv (as Haberly and Price 1978b) and four layers in the TTd.

Part type

gray matter




The approach used by the collator Mihail Bota is endorsed by the author of the nomenclature.

Collator argument

The position of this brain part in hierarchy was collated from the associated reference


Author: Swanson LW
Title of Book: Brain Maps: Structure of the Rat Brain
Year: 1998
Pages: 196-213
Edition: second
Publisher: Elsevier