Afterbrain ( Baer, 1837 ) : Synonym for medulla (Winslow, 1733); term introduced for vertebrates by Baer (1837, p. 107, in the original German, "Nachhirn"). Also see His (1895, p. 162).

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Bulb : Synonym for medulla (Winslow, 1733); introduced for macrodissected adult humans by Chaussier (1807, p. 120).

Epencephalon ( Mihalkovics, 1877 ) : Synonym for afterbrain (Baer, 1837), that is, the medulla (Winslow, 1833); p. 25.

Medulla ( MY ; Winslow, 1733 ) : The topographic division of the cerebrospinal axis (Meckel, 1817) between pons (Haller, 1747) and spinal cord (Galen, c162-c166). It was clearly described and illustrated for macrodissected adult humans by Piccolomini (1586, pp. 265, 269; his intracranial medulla oblongata), while the term medulla was used by Winslow (1733, Sect. X, p. 42) and Haller (1747, see translation by Mihles, 1754, pp. 287, 286), and more recently in the classic textbooks of for example Mettler (1948, p. 76) and Carpenter (1976, p. 60). Synonyms include medulla oblongata (Bartholin, 1651), spinal bulb (Chaussier, 1807), bulb (Chaussier, 1807), afterbrain (Baer, 1837), metencephalon (Sharpey et al., 1867), myelencephalon (Huxley, 1871), epencephalon (Mihailkovics, 1877).

Medulla oblongata ( Bartholin, 1651 ) : Synonym for medulla (Winslow, 1733); probably introduced by Bartholin (1651, p. 317) and clearly used thus by Collins (1685, Tab. 48-M).

Metencephalon ( Sharpey et al., 1867 ) : Original Latin form of afterbrain (Baer, 1837), that is, the medulla (Winslow, 1733); see p. 577. Also see metencephalon (Huxley, 1871).

Myelencephalon ( Huxley, 1871 ) : Synonym for medulla (Winslow, 1733), pp. 59-60. Also see metencephalon (Huxley, 1871).

Spinal bulb ( Chaussier, 1807 ) : Synonym for medulla (Winslow, 1733); introduced for macrodissected adult humans by Chaussier (1807, p. 120).