Alphabetical list
FMC rules and notationsbrowse by initial: A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W
Open chain : A series of connections that do not lead back to a node in the series; when a connection leads back to a node in the series there is a closed chain. more details
Oral-aboral axis ( Schulze, 1893 ) : Synonym for rostrocaudal axis; often preferred in the comparative anatomy of invertebrates; p. 5. Also see Willmer (1990, p. 15). more details
Origin ( Swanson & Bota, 2010 ) : The neuron (Waldeyer, 1891), neuron type (Bota & Swanson, 2007), or gray matter region that generates a connection or output; see Herrick (1915, p. 108). more details
Outer ( Galen, c173 ) : Away from the center of an object in the body; the opposite of inner; see Standring (2008, p. xxii). The dichotomy was used at least as far back as Galen in the second century; see, for example, translations by May (1968, pp. 711, 377) and Singer (1999, p. 131). Aristotle wrote in De Partibus Animalium of parts within the body and those placed on the outside; see translation of Ogle (1912, 674, 5-6). more details
Output : A connection from a neuron (Waldeyer, 1891), neuron type (Bota & Swanson, 2007), or gray matter region to another neuron, neuron type, or gray matter region. All such nodes can have multiple outputs. more details